Drinking Games for Couples: Spicing up Your Date Night

20+ Best Couples Drinking Games | Drinking Games For Couples

Are you tired of the same old dinner and a movie date night routine? Look no further than drinking games for couples! Not only do these games add a fun and exciting twist to your typical date night, but they also provide an opportunity for you and your partner to bond over some friendly competition and a few drinks.

Why Play Drinking Games with Your Partner?

Drinking games for couples are a great way to break the ice and let loose with your significant other. They provide a relaxed and playful atmosphere, allowing you to let your guard down and have a good time together. Plus, the added element of alcohol can enhance your mood and make for a more memorable date night experience.

Best Drinking Games for Couples

  1. Never Have I Ever – This classic game is perfect for couples who want to learn more about each other. One partner makes a statement starting with “Never have I ever…” and the other partner takes a drink if they have done the action mentioned.
  2. Drunk Jenga – Take a regular game of Jenga and add drinking rules to each block. Knock over the tower and take a shot!
  3. Two Truths and a Lie – Each partner tells two truths and one lie about themselves. The other partner has to guess which statement is the lie. If they guess wrong, they take a drink.
  4. Beer Pong – A classic party game that never gets old. Set up a table with cups of beer and take turns trying to throw ping pong balls into the cups. If you make it, your partner has to drink the beer in that cup.
  5. Truth or Dare – A classic game that can be made more interesting with some added alcohol. Take turns choosing truth or dare, and if you refuse to complete the task, you take a drink.

Tips for Optimizing Your Drinking Game Experience

  1. Choose the right game for you and your partner’s personalities and interests.
  2. Set clear rules and consequences before starting the game to avoid any misunderstandings or arguments.
  3. Use quality ingredients for your drinks, such as high-quality beer or spirits, to enhance the experience.
  4. Take breaks and stay hydrated to avoid getting too drunk or feeling sick.
  5. Have fun and don’t take the games too seriously!


Drinking games for couples can be a fun and exciting way to spice up your date night and bond with your partner. Whether you choose a classic game like beer pong or opt for something more intimate like truth or dare, these games provide a relaxed and playful atmosphere for you and your partner to let loose and have a good time together.


  1. Is it safe to play drinking games with my partner?
  • As long as you drink responsibly and take breaks when needed, playing drinking games with your partner can be a safe and enjoyable experience.
  1. Can I play drinking games if I don’t like alcohol?
  • Yes! You can easily modify drinking games to use non-alcoholic beverages like soda or water.
  1. Are there any drinking games that are better for smaller groups?
  • Yes, games like Never Have I Ever and Two Truths and a Lie work well for smaller groups of two or three people.
  1. Can I create my own drinking game?
  • Absolutely! Get creative and come up with your own rules and games to play with your partner.
  1. How often should I play drinking games with my partner?
  • It’s up to you and your partner to decide how often you want to play drinking games, but make sure to drink responsibly and avoid overdoing it.

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