Drinking Games Without Cards: A Guide to Fun and Excitement

10 Drinking games without cards - PubCrawlTonight

Drinking games are a classic way to get the party started and have a good time with friends. However, not everyone has a deck of cards on hand or wants to play the same old games. Luckily, there are plenty of drinking games that don’t require cards and can provide just as much fun and excitement. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best drinking games without cards that you can play with your friends.

The Classic: Beer Pong

Beer Pong is a classic drinking game that involves tossing ping pong balls into cups filled with beer. While it’s traditionally played with cards, you can easily adapt it to be a card-free game. All you need is a table, ping pong balls, and cups. Set up the cups in a triangle shape on either end of the table, and take turns trying to toss the ball into the opposing team’s cups. If you make it, the other team has to drink the beer in that cup. The first team to eliminate all of the cups wins.

Never Have I Ever

Never Have I Ever is a popular drinking game that doesn’t require any cards. It’s a great way to get to know your friends better and have a good time. To play, each person takes turns making a statement that begins with “Never have I ever.” For example, “Never have I ever gone skydiving.” Anyone who has done that thing has to take a drink. The game continues until everyone is sufficiently buzzed.

Flip Cup

Flip Cup is another classic drinking game that’s easy to play without cards. It’s a team game where each person takes turns trying to flip a cup over using just their fingers. Once you flip your cup, the next person on your team goes. The first team to flip all of their cups wins.


Quarters is a simple drinking game that only requires a coin and a cup. Each person takes turns trying to bounce the coin off the table and into the cup. If you make it, you get to choose someone to drink. If you miss, you have to drink.

Power Hour

Power Hour is a drinking game that involves taking a shot of beer every minute for an hour. While it doesn’t require any cards, it can be a challenge to keep up with. To make it more fun, you can add rules like “everyone has to drink with their non-dominant hand” or “you have to stand on one foot while you drink.”

Truth or Dare

Truth or Dare is a classic game that can be turned into a drinking game with a little creativity. To play, each person takes turns choosing “truth” or “dare.” If you choose truth, you have to answer a question honestly. If you choose dare, you have to do something embarrassing or challenging. If you refuse to do either, you have to take a drink.

King’s Cup

King’s Cup is a popular drinking game that doesn’t require any cards. It’s played with a large cup in the center of the table and a set of rules that correspond to each card in a deck. For example, if someone draws a 7, everyone has to touch their nose. If someone forgets, they have to drink. The game continues until all of the cards have been drawn or everyone is too drunk to continue.


Three-Man is a drinking game that involves rolling dice. Each person takes turns rolling the dice, and if you roll a 3, you become the “Three-Man.” The Three-Man has to drink every time someone else rolls a 3 or a combination of 3 (like 2 and 1). The game continues until everyone is too drunk to continue.


Roxanne is a drinking game that involves listening to the song “Roxanne” by The Police. Every time the word “Roxanne” is sung, everyone has to take a drink. It’s a simple game that can get pretty intense as the song goes on.


Buzz is a drinking game that involves counting. Each person takes turns counting up from one, but certain numbers are replaced with “buzz.” For example, instead of saying “7,” you would say “buzz.” If you mess up, you have to drink.


Drinking games without cards can be just as fun and exciting as traditional card games. From classic games like Beer Pong and Flip Cup to creative games like Roxanne and Buzz, there are plenty of options to choose from. Just make sure to drink responsibly and have fun!


  1. Can I play these games without alcohol?

Yes, you can easily modify these games to be non-alcoholic by replacing the alcohol with a non-alcoholic drink.

  1. Are there any safety concerns with playing drinking games?

Drinking games can be dangerous if not played responsibly. Make sure to drink plenty of water and never drink and drive.

  1. Can I create my own drinking game without cards?

Absolutely! Get creative and come up with your own rules and challenges.

  1. How often should I play drinking games?

It’s important to drink responsibly and not overdo it. Limit your drinking game nights to once a week or less.

  1. What should I do if someone gets too drunk?

Make sure to keep an eye on your friends and never let anyone drink to the point of danger. If someone gets too drunk, make sure they get home safely and keep an eye on them.

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