How Long Is A Football Game?

Football Game Structure

Football, also known as soccer in some countries, is a sport that is loved and played by millions of people worldwide. From casual pick-up games to professional leagues, football games can vary in length depending on several factors. In this article, we will explore the different factors that determine the duration of a football game.

The Standard Length of a Football Game

In general, a standard football game lasts 90 minutes. This 90-minute duration is divided into two halves, each lasting 45 minutes. There is a 15-minute break in between the two halves, known as half-time. During this break, players have the opportunity to rest, rehydrate, and receive instructions from their coaches.

Added Time

In some cases, the referee may add extra time to the end of each half. This is known as stoppage time or injury time. The referee adds this time to make up for any time lost due to injuries, substitutions, or other stoppages during the game.


If a football game ends in a draw, some competitions use overtime to determine a winner. Overtime is an additional period of play that is added to the end of the game. The length of overtime can vary, but it is usually 30 minutes, divided into two 15-minute halves. If the game is still tied after overtime, a penalty shootout may be used to determine the winner.

Variations in Duration

While 90 minutes is the standard duration of a football game, there are variations in different leagues and competitions. For example, some youth leagues may have shorter games, such as 60 minutes. In contrast, some professional leagues may have longer games, such as 120 minutes if overtime is used.

Factors That Affect Game Length

Several factors can affect the length of a football game. One of the most significant factors is the number of stoppages that occur during the game. This can include injuries, substitutions, and time-wasting tactics used by teams to run down the clock. The referee adds stoppage time to the end of each half to make up for any time lost due to these stoppages.

Another factor that can affect game length is the style of play used by the teams. If both teams are playing defensively and not taking many risks, the game may have fewer stoppages and end closer to the 90-minute mark. However, if both teams are playing aggressively and taking many shots at goal, the game may have more stoppages and end closer to the 100-minute mark.


In conclusion, the standard length of a football game is 90 minutes, divided into two halves of 45 minutes each. Stoppage time may be added to the end of each half, and overtime may be used to determine a winner if the game ends in a draw. The length of a football game can vary depending on the league or competition, as well as the number of stoppages and the style of play used by the teams.


1. Can a football game be shorter than 90 minutes?

Yes, some youth leagues may have shorter games, such as 60 minutes.

2. Can a football game be longer than 90 minutes?

Yes, some professional leagues may have longer games, such as 120 minutes if overtime is used.

3. Why does the referee add stoppage time to the end of each half?

The referee adds stoppage time to make up for any time lost due to injuries, substitutions, or other stoppages during the game.

4. How is the winner determined if the game ends in a tie?

Overtime may be used to determine a winner, and if the game is still tied after overtime, a penalty shootout may be used.

5. Can the length of a football game be affected by the style of play used by the teams?

Yes, if both teams are playing aggressively and taking many shots at goal, the game may have more stoppages and end closer to the 100-minute mark.

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