The Rise of Gamer Fic: When Gaming and Literature Collide

Where literature and gaming collide |

In recent years, the worlds of gaming and literature have been colliding in a new and exciting way: gamer fic. This genre of fan fiction combines the immersive storytelling of video games with the written word, creating a unique and engaging reading experience. But what exactly is gamer fic, and why is it becoming so popular? Let’s dive in and explore this fascinating new trend.

What is Gamer Fic?

Gamer fic, also known as game-based fiction or gamefic, is a type of fan fiction that takes inspiration from video games. It can range from stories set in the world of a particular game to fan-created characters inserted into the game’s universe. Some gamer fic even takes the form of interactive fiction, allowing readers to make choices that affect the outcome of the story.

The rise of gamer fic can be attributed in part to the popularity of video games themselves. As more people become invested in the characters and worlds of their favorite games, it’s only natural that they would want to explore those worlds in new and different ways. Gamer fic allows fans to do just that, creating new stories and adventures within the game’s universe.

The Appeal of Gamer Fic

So why are so many people drawn to gamer fic? For one, it allows readers to immerse themselves in the world of their favorite video games in a way that traditional storytelling can’t. By incorporating elements of the game into the story, such as character classes, abilities, and settings, gamer fic can create a sense of familiarity and nostalgia for fans of the game.

Additionally, gamer fic often explores themes and ideas that are not present in the game itself. By creating original characters and storylines, fan fiction writers can delve deeper into the game’s lore and create a more nuanced and complex universe. This can be especially appealing for fans who feel that the game’s story or world is not fully fleshed out.

The Future of Gamer Fic

As video games continue to evolve and become more immersive, it’s likely that gamer fic will continue to grow in popularity. With the rise of virtual reality and other immersive technologies, the lines between gaming and storytelling are becoming increasingly blurred. It’s not hard to imagine a future where gamer fic takes on even more interactive and immersive forms, allowing readers to explore their favorite games in entirely new ways.


Gamer fic is a fascinating new trend that combines the worlds of gaming and literature in exciting and unexpected ways. By taking inspiration from video games and creating new stories and characters within their universes, fan fiction writers are breathing new life into beloved franchises. Whether you’re a fan of video games or literature, there’s something to love about gamer fic.


  1. Is gamer fic legal?

Gamer fic is a type of fan fiction, which exists in a legal gray area. While technically it is a violation of copyright law to create fan fiction using someone else’s intellectual property, most game developers and publishers turn a blind eye to it as long as it’s not being used for profit.

  1. Can I write gamer fic using characters from any game?

Technically, yes. However, it’s important to remember that the game’s developers and publishers own the rights to those characters and may not be happy with their use in fan fiction. It’s always a good idea to research the game’s policies on fan fiction before diving in.

  1. Do I need to be a gamer to enjoy gamer fic?

While familiarity with the game’s universe can certainly enhance the reading experience, it’s not necessary to be a gamer to enjoy gamer fic. Many stories focus on original characters and storylines that don’t require knowledge of the game itself.

  1. Can I sell my gamer fic?

No, selling fan fiction is generally not legal. Fan fiction is created as a labor of love, and should not be used for profit.

  1. Where can I find gamer fic to read?

There are many online communities dedicated to gamer fic, such as Archive of Our Own and A simple Google search can also yield a wealth of results.

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